Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Edwards and contemporary evangelicalism

In December, I’ll be presenting a paper at MLA on reappropriations of Jonathan Edwards in contemporary evangelical thought, with a particular focus on a strain of crisis theology running through evangelicalism’s revival of Edwards (one of my main primary texts will be the volume of essays, A God Entranced Vision of all Things). Some of you have already offered insightful suggestions and provided helpful citations for further reading in other discussions I’ve had with you about my larger interest in the half-life of Edwardseanism. But I thought I’d beat the BibleAnd bushes just to be thorough. I’m particularly interested in any studies of contemporary revivals or other attempts to recover colonial Puritan or other early American thinkers or theology for presentist purposes. That said, we’re all eclecticists now, so anything you might think worth passing along, please do.

All the best in your fall term.

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